Friday, 5 April 2013

The Starving Artist

It is 8pm on a Friday night and once again I am sat inside watching bad movies and eating my body weight in chocolate. While I have always admittedly been a bit of a loner this constant house arrest isn't due to lack of friends, more a lack of money.

 There's this romantic notion that surrounds the starving artist. They suffer for their art but ultimately grow from the experience.

 All I'm growing is the desire for a money tree.

 Not only am I not acting, I'm just not working, what job can you get with a drama degree? None apparently! The acting jobs want people from drama schools and the 'real' jobs want people with 'real' degrees leaving little old me back at my parents and finding free ways to entertain myself.

 So I thought I'd share a few things I've come up with for my fellow starving artists!

- Watch through your DVD library: Seeing as this is only a part of my collection I think this will keep me occupied for a while! 

-Spring Clean: 'Tis the season and all that. I'm actually really proud with the way my room has turned out and I have boxes full of things to sell, which in turn will make me money.

- Go for a walk somewhere new: It's free and you get to explore and learn something. If you take your camera along you can get some awsome shots too!

-Improve yourself: Get out the old singing books, go on youtube and teach yourself dancing, pull out the Stanislavski! You won't have this much down time for long so use it to better yourself and in turn your career.

-Get online!: Blog, make videos, find a way to be creative so the artist side of you isn't starving too. Even if no one reads it, you get it out and get to think!

In the meantime I've started a couple of savings projects to help with the lack of money issue. 

- The Spending Fast: This is where you only spend on needs, such as rent, bills, food, and nothing else. Everything else you make goes into savings. These hardcore girls have done it for a whole year, I'm attempting three months and then I'll go from there. Who knows, maybe I'll manage a year too?

- The 52 Week Challenge: This is something I'm going to be lenient with, unlike the spending fast, the idea is you put £1 in week one, £2 for week two, £3 for week three and so on. By the end of the year you'll have around £1,700 saved and it won't have been too much trouble.

If you have any ideas please let me know and I hope these inspire you in some way!

Wish me luck, the same to you.

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