
Hello! My name is Annabelle Shaw and I would like to share with you the most amazing... well sometimes amazing story of me.

I have just turned 23 years old and live out in the back end of England. I dreamed a dream of moving to New York City and building a career on the Great White Way, otherwise knowns as Broadway!
 After so many years of sitting around terrified of what might happen if I put myself on the line I've decided enough is enough! I'm through accepting limits, cause someone says they're so, some things I can not change but 'til I try I'll never know!

 This blog is going to follow what is hopefully my journey to achieving my dreams, and in case it's not already obvious, there will be a horrendous amount of musical references. 

 I hope you find it entertaining, I will be putting it all out there for you to laugh at and cringe as well as just general theatre and life talks.


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